The day of this shoot, the weather had been on and off all day between bouts of pouring rain and bright sunshine-- just what a photographer loves to deal with (eye roll, thank you Mother Nature!). At one point, I messaged this family recommending we cancel, because there was a total downpour going on in my backyard, but when I walked to the front of the house, the sun was shining! In the end, this shoot was a last minute "let's go for it!" Usually, after a storm we have the best sunsets!
The family hit the road right away to head up to Crystal Lake. They knew they wanted to do an urban shoot and we were already running out of sunlight. I left so I would be downtown as soon as they arrived. Unfortunately, on their drive, their youngest fell asleep, so when they arrived it took him some time to really wake up and warm up to me.
About halfway through the shoot, we got ice cream and I think that sweetened him up a bit. We ended up shooting until the sun when down and it was dark out. Shooting under store front street lights isn't something I have ever done, but I love, love, LOVE this shoot!